Earning your college degree puts you one giant step closer to embarking on a wonderful career. Next you must convince an employer that you are an ideal candidate for the job you are pursuing. Be as thorough as possible on job applications to make a positive impression on the hiring manager. In particular, don't sell yourself short when listing all your educational achievements on the job application.
Educational experience isn't limited to the classes on your college transcript. It also encompasses work-study jobs, field work, practicum experience and internships. If related to the job you are seeking, such experiences can be listed separately on your application. Include a description of your duties and accomplishments. Also list all schools attended, even if you just took a few classes. For example, include any college credit you earned in high school through the postsecondary enrollment options program. Courses in the military also count as educational experience that you may wish to include on your application. Also mention your participation in research studies funded by scholarships or grants. Study abroad trips are another exceptional education experience. Explain how you gained cultural knowledge and learned language skills.
Advertisement Article continues below this adApplication forms vary from one employer to the next, but they all inquire about educational history. If you're filling out a paper application, take a moment to scan the document to determine how it is structured. The "Education" section will ask you to specify all schools attended, along with diplomas, certificates and degrees you earned. Sometimes there is a separate section for "Military Training." Below this information, the employer might provide a blank space to describe any other educational experience. That is where you can include learning and training outside the classroom.
To save time, create a detailed fact sheet that will be useful when filling out job applications in person or online. At a minimum, type and print out a table that includes the names of schools, street addresses, degrees or certificates earned and dates of attendance. You can obtain unofficial transcripts from the academic institutions that you attended if you're uncertain of details. Hiring managers and human resources professionals use this data to determine your qualifications for a job opening, so you don't want to understate your academic and training background. When filling out applications on the spot at job fairs or at a company's headquarters, you want to be prepared.
Advertisement Article continues below this adRegarding your work experience, most application forms include a spot to enter the names and contact information of past supervisors for reference checks and job history verification. Consider including people who can serve as your academic references, vouching for your educational experience on the application. For example, if you interned at a company while in college, provide the internship supervisor's name and contact information. Add that information to your educational experience chart for easy recall.
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